I’ve certainly succumbed to making New Year’s Resolutions and by February of the new year I was already starting to get discouraged about not being able to stick to my own personal promise to myself.

You know the drill right:

  • I’m going to start working out 5 days a week
  • I’m going to start eating better
  • I’m going to start spending more time with my family

…and then list goes on and on.

Did you know that the weight loss niche which includes, gyms, diet supplements, exercise equipment (and much more) makes the majority of their money from Thanksgiving to March of every year because of the New Years Resolutions and promises we all commit to that will make our lives better and happier?

Well, my team and I decided to create TRUE change this year by taking some steps to hold ourselves accountable to our commitments.    Here’s a few tips that’s helped us succeed.

  1. Be Specific About Your Goal.   Instead of saying “I want to lose weight,” say “I want to lose 10 lbs.”  Instead of saying, “I will talk to more sellers,” say, “I will call 10 FSBO’s every week.”
  2. Track Your Progress.  Write down what you did to accomplish your goal every day.  You can use a journal, calendar or anything you wish.  The key is to hold yourself accountable for your actions or lack there of.
  3. Embrace Failure.  You’re going to mess up.  You’re going to have a set-back.  Embrace failure as a learning experience but not a reason to give up. Identify why you messed up and brainstorm a way to avoid that set-back next time.  Then pick yourself back up and get back on the horse!
  4. Believe In Yourself.  Make the successful result of reaching your goal a part of who you are and what you believe.  Make a list of statements that you read every morning that identify with the person you are or want to be.  “I am fit and thin because I eat healthy foods” or “I do multiple deals a month because I love talking to sellers and helping create win/win solutions”.

These skills are something we work on developing with all of our coaching students which is why I personally believe our coaching programs have produced more success stories than I’ve ever seen before.

In fact, I’m going to brag for a second just to show you how important I think these core principles are to your business…

Our most recent group of “Ascent To Financial Freedom” coaching students who are in Basecamp 1 (the first level of this program) have built their business foundation (goals, logos, mission, vision, values, marketing materials, marketing plan, short and long term goals, business plan and daily/weekly activity sheets) in less then a month and in less than 2 months 75% of them already have deals!!

Conquering bad habits and developing new habits is never incredibly easy but if you have a support team like your family or friends to help hold you accountable, your road to success will be that much easier to reach!

Foundational business knowledge and skills are just as important to you as knowing the transactional details of how to get deals done.  Don’t overlook the reason so many people fail at reaching their dreams.  You can’t build a house on sand…

I challenge you to reach your goals and dreams.  Make true change in your life one day at a time!!

I believe in YOU!

(P.S.  If you like what we’re sharing with you, feel free to comment below and share the knowledge with others by sharing it on facebook or twitter!  We appreciate your support!!)

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Chapter 1: The Tale of My Sudden Success In Real Estate and Why I’d Never Do It Again (1 of 4)

Chapter 2:  Our Two Year Roller Coaster – Airplanes, Artwork, Auctions OH MY! (2 of 4)

Chapter 3:  Mistakes That Cost us Mucho Moolah (3 of 4)

Chapter 4: Gaining Clarity & Vision For Your Future (4 of 4)

How To Master Any New Skill and Develop New Habits